
Recycling and Garbage is available every Saturday between 8:00am and 12:00pm.

Recycling may be dropped off at the recycling shed behind the Arena Town Hall, free of charge. Recycling includes: plastic, newspaper, glass, aluminum

Garbage may be dropped off at the dumpsters behind the Arena Town Hall on Saturdays between
8:00am-12:00pm. There is a fee of $4.00 per bag or $35.00 per punch ticket, which is good for 10 bags. (Saving you .50 per bag!)  Punch cards can be purchased from the Garbage Attendant, Mark, on Saturday Mornings or by calling the office to schedule a time for pickup. 608-753-2185.

Township Residents may also contact private haulers for the disposal of their garbage and recyclables. 

Town & Country Sanitation 800-626-1915

Gauger & Son Salvage  608-753-2656

Town of Arena Clean Sweep

The Town of Arena holds an annual "Clean Sweep" day,  in the spring, for township residents to dispose of building materials for free, appliances and tv monitors for a fee. 

2025 Clean Sweep Date:
Saturday April 26th 8am-noon

 The following items may be disposed of for a $20.00 fee:
Refrigerators Washers Freezers Dryers Dehumidifiers Stoves Air conditioners Dishwashers Computer monitors TVs Microwaves Hot Water Heaters

*Please remove the doors from refrigerators and freezers when dropping off the item.
*Appliances can be taken to the local salvage yards for free, except those with Freon.

One pickup truck load of the following items may be disposed of free of charge:
Building materials Furniture Batteries Tin Additional pickup loads dumped cost $25 per load.

The following items will not be accepted on Clean Sweep Day:
Tires Chemicals Chemical Containers Paint Containers Fluorescent light fixtures
No early dumping is allowed.
All dumping will be supervised.
Loads will be accepted at the discretion of the supervisors. Items need to fit in the loader bucket!

The recycling and garbage center will be open during this time. 

Road Maintenance & Snow Plowing

The Town of Arena Patrolmen provide maintenance of township roads. This maintenance includes patching, grading, mowing, clearing and snow plowing. 
The Town of Arena does not maintain or plow private driveways or roads.

Burning Permits

If you are burning between the months January to May, it is to be done after 6pm and end at midnight unless there is snow on the ground.

Get a permit: Obtain a free permit online instantly with an email address.
Or call the hotline 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily to have a burning permit mailed to you.